The day started off rainy and cold in Firenze. We had a tasty breakfast at our B&B Residenza il Vilino about 5 minutes' walk from our first stop, La Accademia. We bought skip the line tickets for an 8:30 entrance online months ago, and managed to stay about five minutes ahead of the crowd. I was shocked at how packed it was considering we are here "off season." With the free Rick Steves audioguide playing once again in our ears, the three of us enjoyed Michelangelo's half-finished statues escaping out of their marble slabs on the way to the gorgeous David. Jackson was kind enough to mimic the pose, and the pic came out cute since they sport the same haircut. Chris attempted a look similar to the bronze Michelangelo self-sculpture, as well.

By 10:00, we had finished wandering around the museum and started a "Renaissance Walk" outside. But it was pouring. And cold. Jackson was not up for all of it. We gawked at Brunelleschi's Duomo, the baptistery and bronze doors, and Orsanmichele church. By the time we sat in Orsanmichele to warm up, Jackson had his eyes closed and I knew we had to cut the walk short. We walked through Piazza Signoria and Palazzo Vecchio rather quickly. By the time we got to the Uffizi Courtyard and looked at the various famous statues along the walls, we opted to take a last picture at Ponte Vecchio and turn back to the hotel. It was still only 12 noon and we made a quick stop at the Panini Toscana close by. The quality of the sandwich was to die for. Time for a rest.

After a couple of hours resting/napping, we all felt much better and ventured back out. I had 3:00 timed tickets to climb the Duomo, something I always wanted to do. The winding staircases and claustrophobia-inducing spaces inside were well worth the views. Best of all? It finally stopped raining.